How efficient are you in reading the emotions of prospects which helps in getting better at sales?

Mechanical calls towards the client often lead to rejection and do not add to increase sales.

The calls you make should provide the much-needed personal touch and should instantly click that bond between the caller and the clients.

Researches have proved that most of the time, to close the deal it is Emotional Intelligence (EI) that is required than IQ.


To reach out to the emotions of the prospects, first, you should be completely aware of your senses and emotions. If you are not in a good state of mind, chances are high that the conversation between you and your prospects will not work and even worse it might end up in a disaster. Take that quality time to analyze your state of mind for few minutes before you call your client.

Explore your driving factor

Before catching up with the calls, look up to yourself what motivates you in your work life, the position you would want to reach in the next coming years, or the goal you have set for yourself and how this client call adds up in reaching your set goals. This instantly fills you with positive energy.

Find and treasure your people

Being social and providing the necessary inputs precisely, the bond created between you and the prospects. Once that is done, with a timely approach and proper response over time, the bonds get stronger which in turn helps in long-term sales with the same prospects.


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